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Qiushi Journal | 世界经济形势发生深刻变化

来源:世界经济文汇 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2021-04-23
摘要:世界经济形势发生深刻变化 The world economic landscape is going through profound changes 当前世界经济形势发生深刻变化。国际环境日趋复杂,不稳定性不确定性明显增加。全球贸易投资增长低迷,


The world economic landscape is going through profound changes


The international environment is increasingly complex, marked by a significant increase in instability and uncertainty. Global trade and investment growth is sluggish. Before the international financial crisis, global trade grew twice as fast as the global economy, but since then, growth in global trade and economy has roughly been on the same level. International organizations estimate that global trade would fall by about 30% in 2020, and will rebound by only 7.2% in 2021. Global direct investment would fall by 40%, with a further fall of 5% to 10% predicted for 2021. As populism and trade protectionism intensify, they are spreading from traditional industries to emerging and high-tech industries. Restrictions on international investment have been tightened. Developed countries are working vigorously to re-shore their manufacturing industries. They have unveiled policies to attract automobile and equipment manufacturing, electronic information, biomedicine, and other industries back home. Indeed, the Covid-19 pandemic has further intensified adjustments to global supply chains and industry chains.

(Excerpts from Understanding the Great Trend of Economic Globalization and Expanding Opening Up on All Fronts by CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Commerce, Qiushi Journal, No. 01, 2021)


文章来源:《世界经济文汇》 网址: http://www.sjjjwhzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2021/0423/785.html


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